Skiing Stoke from Lake Tahoe

Author: Susan (Page 13 of 15)

Watch the Squallywood Clinic Movie

squaw valleyAfter six consecutive days of snow, the skies cleared and the sun illuminated six feet of powder last Saturday. The conditions were perfect for Robb Gaffney’s first Squallywood clinic. The six participants were filmed as they hucked cliffs and skied classic lines with Robb. Shane McConkey and Scott Gaffney skied with the group in the afternoon. Some of the participants called it the most memorable ski day of their lives.
Watch the movie >>

Yeah, yeah, I know it’s dumping…

bula stereohead  
Ski Press’ Anne-
Marie Boissonnault
models the Bula
Stereohead hat
in our booth.
With a smile like
this around, it’s
hard to complain.

I lead a privileged life. I skied five consecutive powder days last week and six in a row earlier in January. I’m reminding myself of these things as I walk down the aisles of the SIA show in Vegas in a daze, fondling gear and gazing at life-sized ski photos, while Tahoe is getting hammered. The calls have been coming in all week. “Yesterday was the best day of my life,” a friend taunts. “Get to the airport and get on a plane now,” insisted another this morning. I just got a call and learned that it’s snowing two inches an hour. The forecast is calling for a foot and a half today, on top of the fifteen feet that Tahoe got during the month of January. And I’ve been running around, flexing skis, dodging drunk snowboarder punks on motorized carts, collecting swag and trying to stay positive. I wish I was watching the snow pile up instead of schmoozing around a convention center, but I have to remember that I’m living my dream of a career in the ski industry. And that career is just a fancy word for work. Plus, today I can finally say that I’ll be home tomorrow (fingers crossed).

Waxing Skis

I just climbed up from the basement, after waxing my Spatulas so I can get up a little speed in all this new snow. It was the first time I waxed my skis in, oh maybe… 8 years. I used to wax and tune all the time when I was living on the East Coast, but once I moved out west, perfect bases didn’t seem as important. Slathering a coat of wax on my skis reminded me of the instructional articles that I wrote for this fall on waxing and base repairs. Waxing your own skis is pretty simple and it saves you money and puts you in touch with your equipment. All you need is an iron, some wax, a plastic scraper and something (like a big rubber band) to hold the brakes back. Try to warm your skis up first, the warmer the bases, the better the wax will adhere. Check out the articles for details.

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